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HomeMineCraftHow Do You Make Concrete in Minecraft ?

How Do You Make Concrete in Minecraft ?

When you need to do a building project in Minecraft, you will need concrete blocks. These blocks are made with concrete power. Concrete blocks are dynamic and can be crafted in different colors. These are inflammable and very useful in the game. So, you need to learn the making of concrete in Minecraft to build different projects. To make concrete blocks, you need to make concrete powder blocks. So first, we will learn to make concrete powder blocks, and then we will make concrete blocks using those blocks.

How Do You Make Concrete in Minecraft

How Do You Make Concrete in Minecraft

Making Concrete Power: 

The concrete powder can be made using four gravel blocks, four sand blocks, and one dye. You can collect these items following the steps below. 

Sand Blocks: 

When doing building projects, sand blocks are a common need. You can find sand in the game in the desert, islands, and on the pond banks. Mostly, Desert Biomes is an excellent location to get a lot of sand blocks. You can take a diamond shovel and some Shulker boxes to these locations and bring the required amount of sand for your projects. 

Gravel Blocks: 

Gravel blocks can be found on gravel mountains in the game. These mountains are usually located in deserts, which allows players to find them easily. From these locations, you can get a large number of gravel blocks for your crafting project. Apart from that, you can also find gravels while mining. 


In Minecraft, there are 16 types of dyes available. Some dyes are easy to collect, while others are difficult. While some dyes are available naturally, you need to make some dyes for your projects. Some example of natural dyes is white, black, blue, red, and yellow. To craft other dyes, you can combine white dye with another color. 

Crafting Process: 

After collecting all the items, you can start crafting concrete powder. Open the crafting table and place the components on it. You can place four sand blocks, four gravel blocks, and one dye in any sequence in the nine boxes of the crafting grid to get concrete powder. You will get 8 concrete powder pieces by using one dye, four gravel, and four sand blocks. Also, make sure that you use your desired color of dye while crafting because you can’t change its color once crafted. 

After making concrete powder, you can start the making of concrete blocks.

Making Concrete Blocks: 

Once you have made concrete powder, it is very easy to make concrete blocks. Usually, the concrete powder becomes harder when it comes to near water. So, you simply need to place the pieces of concrete powder near a water source to make it concrete. There is another way to make concrete blocks. First, you can make the construction using the concrete powder blocks and then pour water over it to make it concrete. 

However, rainwater and bottled water are not suitable for making concrete using concrete blocks. When the concrete powder is stick to gravity and not suitable for floating, concrete blocks are not like that. They don’t obey gravity, which makes them useful in the game to use in different applications.

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I am Lalitha Part time blogger from India . I Love to write on latest Tech Gadgets , Tech Tips , Business Ideas , Financial Advice , Insurance and Make Money Online

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